Get monitor manufacturer

This is a PowerShell Script  that  Get monitor manufacturer from remote computer.


    [String[]]$ComputerName = $env:ComputerName
  #List of Manufacture Codes that could be pulled from WMI and their respective full names. Used for translating later down.
  $ManufacturerHash = @{ 
    "AAC" =    "AcerView";
    "ACR" = "Acer";
    "AOC" = "AOC";
    "AIC" = "AG Neovo";
    "APP" = "Apple Computer";
    "AST" = "AST Research";
    "AUO" = "Asus";
    "BNQ" = "BenQ";
    "CMO" = "Acer";
    "CPL" = "Compal";
    "CPQ" = "Compaq";
    "CPT" = "Chunghwa Pciture Tubes, Ltd.";
    "CTX" = "CTX";
    "DEC" = "DEC";
    "DEL" = "Dell";
    "DPC" = "Delta";
    "DWE" = "Daewoo";
    "EIZ" = "EIZO";
    "ELS" = "ELSA";
    "ENC" = "EIZO";
    "EPI" = "Envision";
    "FCM" = "Funai";
    "FUJ" = "Fujitsu";
    "FUS" = "Fujitsu-Siemens";
    "GSM" = "LG Electronics";
    "GWY" = "Gateway 2000";
    "HEI" = "Hyundai";
    "HIT" = "Hyundai";
    "HSL" = "Hansol";
    "HTC" = "Hitachi/Nissei";
    "HWP" = "HP";
    "IBM" = "IBM";
    "ICL" = "Fujitsu ICL";
    "IVM" = "Iiyama";
    "KDS" = "Korea Data Systems";
    "LEN" = "Lenovo";
    "LGD" = "Asus";
    "LPL" = "Fujitsu";
    "MAX" = "Belinea"; 
    "MEI" = "Panasonic";
    "MEL" = "Mitsubishi Electronics";
    "MS_" = "Panasonic";
    "NAN" = "Nanao";
    "NEC" = "NEC";
    "NOK" = "Nokia Data";
    "NVD" = "Fujitsu";
    "OPT" = "Optoma";
    "PHL" = "Philips";
    "REL" = "Relisys";
    "SAN" = "Samsung";
    "SAM" = "Samsung";
    "SBI" = "Smarttech";
    "SGI" = "SGI";
    "SNY" = "Sony";
    "SRC" = "Shamrock";
    "SUN" = "Sun Microsystems";
    "SEC" = "Hewlett-Packard";
    "TAT" = "Tatung";
    "TOS" = "Toshiba";
    "TSB" = "Toshiba";
    "VSC" = "ViewSonic";
    "ZCM" = "Zenith";
    "UNK" = "Unknown";
    "_YV" = "Fujitsu";
  #Takes each computer specified and runs the following code:
  ForEach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
    #Grabs the Monitor objects from WMI
    $Monitors = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\WMI" -Class "WMIMonitorID" -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    #Creates an empty array to hold the data
    $Monitor_Array = @()
# Takes each monitor object found and runs the following code:
ForEach ($Monitor in $Monitors) {

    # Grabs respective data and converts it from ASCII encoding and removes any trailing ASCII null values
    $UserFriendlyNameBytes = $Monitor.UserFriendlyName
    If ($UserFriendlyNameBytes -ne $null) {
        $Mon_Model = ([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($UserFriendlyNameBytes)).Replace("$([char]0x0000)","")
    } else {
        $Mon_Model = $null
      $Mon_Serial_Number = ([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($Monitor.SerialNumberID)).Replace("$([char]0x0000)","")
      $Mon_Attached_Computer = ($Monitor.PSComputerName).Replace("$([char]0x0000)","")
      $Mon_Manufacturer = ([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($Monitor.ManufacturerName)).Replace("$([char]0x0000)","")
      #Filters out "non monitors". Place any of your own filters here. These two are all-in-one computers with built in displays. I don't need the info from these.
      If ($Mon_Model -like "*800 AIO*" -or $Mon_Model -like "*8300 AiO*") {Break}
      #Sets a friendly name based on the hash table above. If no entry found sets it to the original 3 character code
      $Mon_Manufacturer_Friendly = $ManufacturerHash.$Mon_Manufacturer
      If ($Mon_Manufacturer_Friendly -eq $null) {
        $Mon_Manufacturer_Friendly = $Mon_Manufacturer
      #Creates a custom monitor object and fills it with 4 NoteProperty members and the respective data
      $Monitor_Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Manufacturer     = $Mon_Manufacturer_Friendly
        Model            = $Mon_Model
        SerialNumber     = $Mon_Serial_Number
        AttachedComputer = $Mon_Attached_Computer
      #Appends the object to the array
      $Monitor_Array += $Monitor_Obj

    } #End ForEach Monitor
    #Outputs the Array
} #End ForEach Computer

To download the command click here.
Once downlod complete, import it throw the import option in the Custom command section.

For any additional information, please contact