Install Microsoft Teams

Install Microsoft Teams
This Powershell script install Microsoft Teams program silently.

# Start Teams installation
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "\\eproc01\ConnectedToCommands\Teams\Teams_windows.msi" -ArgumentList "/qn"

# Check if Teams Installer directory exists
$teamsInstallerPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Teams Installer"
while (-not (Test-Path -Path $teamsInstallerPath -PathType Container)) {
    Write-Host "Teams Installer directory not found. Waiting..."

# Start Teams executable after the installer is complete
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "$teamsInstallerPath\Teams.exe" -ArgumentList "-s"

To download the command  click here.
Once downlod complete, import it throw the import option in the Custom command section.

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