Computer not reporting to the control center

How to fix the problem that the computer does not report to control center.

This guide covers checking and fixing issues related to the Reporting relay service, the eProc Status and Control engine, the eProc Main Service, the eProc Communication Service, license availability, and time synchronization with the domain. Here’s a concise step-by-step summary.
Troubleshooting Guide: Computer Not Reporting to Control Center

There are several reasons why a computer might fail to report to the control center. Possible causes include:
  1. Security programs deleting eProc programs.
  2. Local or organizational firewalls blocking access.
  3. The eProc Reporting relay not running or installed.
  4. The eProc Status and Control engine not operational.
  5. The eProc Main Service not running.
  6. The eProc Communication Service not active.
  7. Insufficient licenses.
  8. Computer time not synchronized with the domain.
Checking the Reporting Relay Service

Open ‘Instance Properties’ from the right pane.

In the "Network properties" window, check if the Reporting Relay service is operational. If it's not running or installed, right-click on "Reporting Relay" to install or start the service. Ensure to save and close afterward.

By selecting the "Reporting Relay" and right click the mouse, you can install or uninstall or to start or stop the service.

Verifying the eProc Status and Control Engine (ePcontrol)

The eProc Status and Control engine (ePcontrol) gets and creates the machine status information every minute.
  1. Open Task Manager on the computer and make sure the ePcontrol process runs.
  2. Check if there is enough space on the hard disk.
  3. Make sure the security programs in the organization exclude eProc programs from scanning.
  4. Make sure the ePcontrol.exe program exist 'C:\Program Files\ePws\Client\<WORKING VERSION>\ePcontrol.exe'
Ensuring the eProc Main Service is Operational
The eProc Main Service (ePclientSv.exe) manages and ensures the required eProc engines run.
  1. Open Task Manager and make sure the ePclientSv process runs.
  2. Make sure the security programs in the organization exclude eProc programs from scanning.
  3. Make sure the ePclientSv.exe program exists 'C:\Program Files\ePws\Client\ePclientSv.exe'
Checking the eProc Communication Service

The eProc Communication Service (ePcommSv.exe) connects to the eProc relays and brokers running on the eProc Reporting server, including sending the computer status information.
  1. Open Task Manager and make sure the ePcommSv process runs.
  2. Make sure the security programs in the organization exclude eProc programs from scanning.
  3. Make sure the ePcommSv.exe program exists 'C:\Program Files\ePws\Client\ePclientSv.exe'
License Verification

Navigate to Settings -> License -> License Information to ensure you have sufficient licenses.
Check if the computer time is sync with the domain.

Open cmd and run this command:
net time \\<ip address or computer name>
if the time is not correct run this command:
net time /domain:<Domain name> /y /set
Should these steps not resolve the issue or if additional support is required, reaching out to the provided support email,